Bullfighting For or Against

Miguel Tenero
To most people taunting an animal, inflicting physical pain upon it for a long period of time, and then eventually killing it is a gross act of cruelty. It is something that the majority of people living in the modern world find hard to even comprehend.

Yet in Spain it has been going on for decades. In fact Ernest Hemmingway wrote about the ‘ritual’ back in 1932 in ‘Death in the Afternoon’. He even became a fan of bull-fighting.

Hope that this cruel ‘sport’ (and the word sport is used very loosely), was eventually going to be outlawed in Spain was strong when some regions voted to ban it. It was at the time a controversial decision as there are many ‘die-hard’ supporters of bull-fighting from every walk of life in Spain.

In a new move Spanish MP’s have now voted to try and give bull-fighting what they call ‘special cultural status’, which would result in the bans being overturned.

When you consider the huge population of Spain, only 590,000 people signed a petition which seemed to be sufficient, and led to an 180-40 vote in parliament in support of bringing it back.

This itself is a worry as it shows the overwhelming attitude of the people in power. While Spain is a great country to live it is hindered by police, judges, MP’s, mayors and civil servants who refuse to embrace change and seem intent on living in the Franco shadow.

As ‘everyday’ people struggle due to increased austerity, increased taxes, lower pensions, older retirement ages and a higher cost of living, it is utterly amazing and somewhat disappointing that Spain are considering tax breaks for promoters of bullfighting.

If this does become law the the bans in Catalonia and the Canary Islands are likely to be overturned and bullfighting will return.

The proposal put forward would result in the authorities promoting bullfighting who would then lobby the UN to recognise it as a part of Spain’s cultural heritage.

If 590,000 people can get this read and voted for in the Spanish parliament, maybe more of you who oppose this barbaric ‘sport’ can fan https://www.facebook.com/celebritiesinmarbella and leave your comment ‘For or Ban’ on the post. Let’s see if they listen to the majority!