Celebrity Insects

Marbella is used to hosting celebrities of all types year after year, ever since the resort gained recognition on the international ‘jet-set’ stage back in the 60’s.

The Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic in Marbella has also seen their fair share of celebrity clientele pass through their doors, but now there is a new breed of ‘celebrities’ they are accommodating.

Pollinating insects are their focus and along with the Arboretum association they have created a ‘pollen refuge’ within their grounds.

Both the foundation and Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic have adapted a space of some 30m2 specifically for bees, wasps and butterflies. It is a safe area where they are able to feed undisturbed and reproduce. The area is now a sustainable and ecological place with a selection of high pollen flowers growing.

The area was chosen and created because of its location and orientation, all of which are essential to the pollination and breeding. With protection from the wind and good light, it really is the ideal feeding and breeding ground for these highly important species.

It was highlighted during this project that it is so important for this type of environment as 8 per cent of the world’s food depends on natural insect pollination.

More of these eco safe havens are planned in the future to help protect these insects and ensure that important plants and flowers and pollinated.