Dolce and Gabbana Collaborate with La Cabane

La Cabane

Dani GarcĂ­a had been contemplating a collaboration with a prominent fashion brand for a while. He had witnessed its success in beach based eateries outside of Spain and believed it would also thrive in the cosmopolitan resort of Marbella. The opportunity for such a collaboration on Spain’s popular the Costa del […]

Fendi Beach Club Marbella

The Golden Mile is synonymous with all things luxury. Having been the location where so many of the Hollywood Elite and members of the European Royal Families owned homes, or came to party back in the 60s and 70s, it still maintains that special charm and elegance of yesteryear. Is very […]

Beso Beach

Beso Beach Club Estepona

The summer season is nearly here and already we are reading about new launch parties and new venues, but one of the more exciting openings has to be next to the site of the old Laguna Village, which was burnt down to the ground a few years ago. Opening on the […]