New Netflix Series In Malaga

13 dias

A documentary series titled “13 Days” has been released by the online streaming service Netflix, shedding light on the heart-wrenching and extremely tragic story of Julen, the young boy who was trapped in a narrow borehole for a harrowing 13-day period on the outskirts of a village in Malaga province.

His plight not only shook Spain to its core but also captured the attention of the world, as teams unsuccessfully raced against time to rescue the toddler.

The documentary delves into the entire tragic narrative, recounting how two-and-a-half-year-old Julen Roselló met his unfortunate demise on the final day of the rescue operation. It was revealed that he had accidentally fallen into a treacherous hole, a mere 25 centimetres in diameter but over 100 metres deep, on the 13th of January 2019. The incident occurred on private property in Totalán, situated east of Malaga city.

Following an autopsy, it was confirmed that Julen had succumbed to the fall, which resulted in a fatal skull fracture. He was laid to rest on the 27th of January in the El Palo cemetery.

Comprised of three episodes, each lasting 50 minutes, the Netflix series, produced by Secuoya Studios and directed by Hernán Zin, features interviews with various individuals closely connected to Julen’s story. These include his parents, José Roselló and Victoria García, the engineer Ángel García Vidal, representatives from the rescue team, including volunteers and police personnel, as well as journalists such as Juan Cano from Diario SUR. Cano closely followed the developments of the case, including the subsequent legal proceedings.

The documentary aims to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the incident, incorporating previously unseen footage that highlights the anguish endured by Julen’s family. What was initially meant to be a joyous family outing tragically culminated in one of the most devastating incidents in the history of Spain.